Monday, February 28, 2011

POST # 1

Today, February 28, 2011, is the first day that our 1st period Adv. Algebra class signed onto this blog. Since I volunteered to be the first to post a narrative of what goes on in the class, you, as a reader, get to be lucky enough to find out what happens in our math class!
Well today wasn't a typical day for us, since we left our classroom and marched our math brains into the math computer lab. This, of course, was after the routine morning announcements and review of last night's homework. After wasting a good 15 minutes on trying to get everyone to log onto this blog, (many failed attempts stopped us from continuing with the day) we continued to do review. The Ch. 7 Review consisted of our super duper smart and ingenious teacher making mistakes on a practice quiz, which caused a flip-flop of roles. Us, the brainiacs of Advance Algebra, were the ones correcting Mr. Cope.
Now you know the exciting life of Period 1 Adv. Alg. on 2-28-2011, write a book with all your new and useful knowledge. (We'll be sure to read it).

Friday, February 25, 2011

First Post

Well you made it to our class blog...good job!  This is the place where we will, as a class, create the narrative of what goes on in our class.  We will discuss the content of the lessons, help each other clear up confusion, and reflect on the learning of mathematics.  Please remember that this is a public online space that is viewable by the entire world, including me, your parents, and your peers.  Write as if the whole world will read!

My expectation is that you will use this space to push learning outside of our 50 minutes together each day.  You and I are the authors of this blog.  Please use the comment feature below each post or make your own post to contribute to the conversation!